Can babies go in hot tubs? Babies should not be in hot tubs. Hot tubs are not suitable for any child under the age of five, and those under 16 should be supervised by an adult at all times. Here’s everything you need to know about hot tubs for babies and the things you should consider if you have young children around a hot tub.
Hot tubs are dangerous for children under five years old for a number of reasons, including but not limited to:
The water temperature (40 Degrees Celsius) in a hot tub is simply too hot for babies and young children, and it can cause them to overheat or come down with heat stroke. The temperature of the water combined with the chemicals also means that bacteria can cling to the surfaces in the hot tub, which is not harmful to adults but can cause severe risk to young children and babies. Children cannot regulate their body temperature in the same way that adults can, and they will be too hot far more quickly than we will as adults, so it is impossible to judge their temperature before it is too late.
Hot tubs cause us to dehydrate, and while we as adults know when we need to rehydrate or take time away from the tub, young children and babies cannot communicate this or register this information. Children also don’t sweat the same as adults, which affects their rate of dehydration. Children under the age of five need more fluids anyway to keep dehydration at bay, so this factor teamed with hot tub use makes for a dangerous combination.
Risk of drowning
On top of the other two points, there is a huge risk of drowning if young children and babies are in a hot tub. There is risk of slipping under water when playing, or the jets being too powerful, and children who cannot swim are also at risk of drowning.
There is also the relaxation element, that hot tubs are designed to make us feel more at ease, but this can cause drowsiness which can lead to passing out or falling asleep and drowning in the water.
When can a child use a hot tub?
If your child is over five and can swim, should only spend a maximum of 10 minutes in a hot tub, and the temperature should be no higher than 35 Degrees Celsius. This is along with being supervised by an adult at all times.
How to baby proof your hot tub
So babies cannot go in hot tubs, but having a hot tub around young children can also be dangerous, so here are some ways to baby and child proof your hot tub so it is safe for all to be around.
Lockable cover
Use your hot tub cover any time your hot tub is not in use or if you go inside or away from the hot tub. You will need to invest in a lockable cover and keep it locked at all times, as children can get curious and even lift hot tub covers that are not secured and climb in, but they do not have the strength or means to push it back up and get out.
Other additional measures include a physical barrier or fence with a gate and child lock, as well as alarms that will sound if the hot tub has been accessed. Although these might not be the most aesthetically pleasing solutions, it will give you peace of mind and keep your children safe.
This will prevent any accidents or slips into the hot tub, and it is good practice to ensure it is covered when out of use, especially if your children are in the garden or hot tub area.
Power protection
Cover up your power supply and get a circuit breaker to practise protection around the power source. You should teach your children that this is not to be touched or tampered with, and educate them around the dangers and threats of playing with electricity.
Chemical considerations
Hot tub chemicals should be locked away safely and securely to prevent children from coming into contact with them. Contact with chemicals before they are used in the water can cause skin irritation in the least-harmful instance and can seriously harm children (or adults) if ingested. They are potent and often in large quantities, and think about how little you use in your whole hot tub!
Practice safety
Things like promoting no running around the hot tub, and keeping the area free from obstacles or toys are good ways to practise hot tub safety. Hot tubs are so much fun and a space to relax, but they need to be respected at all times, too.